Vision Camp

Vision Camp is a program for T&C fellows in high school. It encourages the participants to seek and enhance understanding of themselves in various steps, in addition to providing various educational programs that nurture the six core values established by the T&C Foundation. 

Step-by-Step Self-Exploration

Vision Camps held during summer and winter breaks provide step-by-step self-exploration programs that enable the participants to seek opportunities and pioneer their paths on their own.

Workshop-Style Training Sessions

Various educational programs that are not readily available elsewhere provide the participants with an opportunity for self-exploration, team projects, and creative process. These sessions enable the students to freely express their ideas and enhance creative thinking and problem-solving skills.


The fellows engage in in-depth conversations with lecturers, mentors, and other fellows to understand personal differences and develop a respect for others, which ultimately makes them sensitive to the happiness of the community.

Vision Camp

Vision Camp is a program for T&C fellows in high school. 

It encourages the participants to seek and enhance understanding 

of themselves in various steps, in addition to providing various educational programs

that nurture the six core values established by the T&C Foundation.

T&C Foundation


244 Itaewon-ro, Twin Building 2/F, Seoul, Korea 04400

Copyright ⓒ 2022 T&C FOUNDATION All rights reserved.

T&C Foundation


244 Itaewon-ro, Twin Building 2/F, Seoul, Korea 04400

Copyright ⓒ 2022 T&C FOUNDATION All rights reserved.